Spring Awakening <3. Part 1.
So, I realize that I write about Spring Awakening a lot and people may not know what it is. Therefore, I am going to write about it and through in some pictures from it as well. Because I'm a loser and that's how I roll. There's probably going to be a ton of spoiler so if you don't want to be spoiled than you should probably stop reading.
The play starts off with Wendla, the main girl character, standing on a chair. This leads to the song "Mama Who Bore Me", she is unsure of her body and therefore is using her hands to explore it. After the song is over her mother comes in telling her that the stork has brought her sister another baby. Wendla, who is [i believe] 14 tells her mother that she can not still believe in the stork and this leads to her asking her mom where babies come from. Needles to say her mother is taken aback and at first refuses to tell Wendla where they come from. After some convincing her mother tells her that in order to conceive a child she must love her husband and only her husband with her whole heart. And that's how babies are made. Wendla exclaims, "Mama!" which leads into "Mama Who Bore Me(Reprise)" this time with all the other girl characters joining in.
Than we are in a classroom where the boys of Spring Awakening are reciting Latin. The teacher
calls on all of them but when he calls on Moritz he is asleep so when the teacher wakes him up he messes up the words of Latin he is supposed to be saying for the teacher. Melchior, Moritz's friend stands up and defends him after the teacher begins to yell at Moritz. The teacher turns on Melchior than which leads to the song, "All That's Known". The teacher leaves and Moritz thanks Melchior and than proceeds to tell him about the 'nightmare' he had had. Melchior explains that the other boys such as Otto and Georg have had the same kind of dream as well and that it was completely alright but Moritz is so terrified about what is happening to his body. The teacher walks back in and catches the boys talking, he grabs Moritz by the ear and yells at him which leads to the song, "The Bitch of a Living". All the other boys leave and Melchior ask Moritz if he wants him to tell him about sex with a woman and Moritz tells him to write it down. All the girls come out and are talking about what they are wearing to their friends wedding and Wendla states that she can not go to it because of the man her friend is marrying. Than the girls
begin to talk about their crushes and who they hope to marry. This leads to the song "My Junk" the light fades on the girls and high light on Hanschen who is masturbating to a picture of Desdemona as Othello is getting ready to murder her, than the light fades on him and lights up on Georg who is having a piano lesson and is getting turned on by his piano teacher. The girls start to dance, Hanschen continues to masturbate, and Georg's piano teacher rips off her top and they start to dance with one another and this is all done while the are singing rest of the song. They all run off the stage and than we find Melchior in his room writing in his diary. His mother comes in and tells him that Moritz is there, Moritz runs in and exclaims that he was up all night reading the essay Melchi had wrote him. He says he is confused by it and ask how the woman must feel and Melchi tells him that he just puts himself in the woman's place and imagine what it must feel for her. This leads to "Touch Me". During the song all the other boys come out with copies of Melchi's letter and lays down and reads them. Than the girls come out as well and they follow one another in a line singing rest of the song.
I will write more later!
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