Today was amazing. There is no other words to describe it. Its a moment that you had to be there for. But anywho I'm going to be a massive fan girl and write about it and throw in some pictures as a I go. Note the picture to the left. That's Blake Bashoff. He's the lead in Spring Awakening, Moritz. He also played Karl on Lost. :) But back to today.
So, we drove to Pittsburgh to see Spring Awakening and the really cool thing is that they have seats on stage that you can sit in and the actors literally sit with you when they are not on the stage performing. So we bought three of those tickets, we has an ensemble member sitting in the chair next to us, than one of the cast members stood next to us, we had two of them behind, one in front of us, and than across the aisle for us. So needless to say we were surrounded by cast and ensemble members a like. I think the easiest thing for me to do is write this in order based off of the songs that stood out to me. So this might be boring if you don't know what I'm talking about.
Mama Who Bore Me/Mama Who Bore Me (Reprise): Christy's voice is amazing and her facial expressions are amazing. And the scene about the stork with her mom was great. I know nothing too specific but I thought it was by far one of the stand out songs. The reprise was...dare I say it? Fierce. Those girls rock so much. BUT I CAN NOT STAND GABBY! And it's not just in this scene, I just HATE how she portrays Anna and she sucks at singing but thats besides the point. Lets move on.
All Thats Known: I have never been a fan of Kyle but his voice was just amazing in this number, considering he was out most of the week. His voice has that right amount of edge and it blew me away. Usually his Melchior is cocky but today he seemed more mellow, which could be due to the fact he was taking it easy since he has been sick.
Bitch Of A Living: OHMYGOSH! This is one of my favorite songs hands down but sitting on stage is something crazy. Anthony has some intense eye contact, he was starring down audience members and getting right in
(note the picture to the right. this is matt singledecker aka Shishi. He plays Georg! Amazing voice, we had his harmonies right in our ears at one point and it was heavenly. and he was super sweet at the stagedoor.)
My Junk: One of the more funnier scenes and so well done. Matt trying to seduce his piano teacher was hilarious because we were right there during the scene. He was "motor boating" in her corset. xD And Andy is just wonderful during his...well his masturbation part of the song. Matt's voice is heavenly and Andy plays Hanschen as such a creeper but Andy's voice is very nice as well. The girls were good in this scene, I loved Kiminko's "He's such a radical!" line. And again Gabby should not be allowed to sing.
Touch Me: So. So. So. Good. Words cant describe this song, its so pretty and the boys solo are gorgeous. Ben and Matt killed their solos, I could watch a two hour play of just this song. Blake's and Kyle's chemistry was good and Blake's "penis and vagina" comment got tons of laughs. Beautiful, thats all I have got to say.
Dark I Know Well: Another one of my favorites, though I was worried because Krystina was on for Steffi D who usually plays Ilse. So when this scene came, I was nervous for her. But as soon as she opened her mouth I was at ease. Krystina's voice was so good and haunting though she did get drowned out when Sarah sung with her.
Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind: Blake Bashoff is a rock star and it shows in this scene. I knew this was going to be heart wrenching and boy was I right. As soon as Blake said his "why did you frighten me? damn it" I lost it. The boy has legit tears in his eyes at this point. You could just feel the emotion pouring off of him. It broke my heart. Again Krystina got drowned out by Blake but thats not the point here. When Blake started rolling up the mic cord and saying his monologue
(note the picture to the left. thats me and anthony lee medina. the one who was starring us down during bitch of a living. haha. he was great and his stare is so intense and his harmonies in the closing song was great cause he was right in front of us.)
Left Behind: Again, Im not a fan of Kyle but I was sobbing during this song. Ugh. It felt like you were a part of that funeral and all of the cast members were legit crying as well. Sarah Hunt has tears running down her face as few as the other cast members. To see this much emotion from the cast added to what us, the audience was feeling. Again this has always been a sad scene to see from the house but seeing it from the stage seats adds so much emotion. And the Adult Man, my god, his face as Kyle approach him killed me. It twisted in such agony and I wanted to hug him or something. This was just heart breaking and I loved every minute of it.
Totally Fucked: LOVE. Haha. This got a lot of laughs. Their dancing is crazy and it was so awesome watching everyone's dance moves. Anthony did a back flip, Julie was climbing all over the stairs next to us. This is the one song that you have to see live to get the full effect.
So much more happened and it was just amazing. But I'm too lazy to write anything else. Haha.
I have so much love for Shishi and Anthony now.
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