A Bridge To The Other Side.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Those girls were my best friends, I felt like I could tell them anything in the world and they would not judge me for it. Some of the best times that I had these last few years were with them. Going to see musicals together, trips to the beach, singing loudly and horribly in my car with the windows down and a million other things. Those were the times, the times when I could say that I was honestly happy. And now comparing myself today to those times I realize how alone I really am. I try to shrug it off and seem like I'm fine having one person to hangout with but in reality I miss how things used to be. It felt like there was always someone there and someone to hangout with now. And you know how I am, put on a smile and pretend that nothing is wrong. I have no one to blame but myself for how things turned out. One fight between a person can lead to you losing everyone.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's been a while since I have updates this and I have several good reasons. One being that I have started watching Doctor Who (done with the second season, almost done with the first and than back to re-watch the second season now that things will make sense) and I love it so so much. Ugggh, why did I not watch this sooner? Doctor Who is just so amazing and nerdy and I love everything about it.
Second I have been using Tumblr a lot. I think it's way more funner (?) than this boring old blogspot. Yeaaahh. And stuff you know. I haven't been up to much really. Just watching some Netflix and tumblring and all that good stuff. I just figured that I should update this. Yep.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
These Last Two Days...

Thursday, January 13, 2011