I am very quickly making my way through series three of Doctor Who which makes me a bit sad because that means very soon David Tennant will not be The Doctor any longer. I mean, yeah I'm excited to see Matt Smith (see above picture) as The Doctor but I just really really love me some David Tennant. But the good thing about almost being done with series three is that Martha won't be the companion anymore! And I will have Donna! Yay! But alas, I will be very sad to see David go and I heard his last few episodes are super sad.
I have an interview on Tuesday, I hope I get this job. If I do get it than it means that I can start saving money to move out. Well, I have two months to move out but that's an enitre different story. And if I stay at this job than maybe within the next year or so I can move to NYC! So hopefully all goes well Tuesday.
Nothing else to say really.
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