Have been sooo amazing. On Friday John Green did a live blogtv show and afterwards we had an "after party" in the main room with the remaining people. Well a bunch of us got to talking and than we decided to move it to Skype because it would be easier. While on Skype we decided to call ourselves the Skype Fighters (after Nerdfighters). Well we wanted to go on cam and you really cant do a huge cam convo on Skype so we headed over to TinyChat (see picture on the right) and talked forever and ever. And Ive met some of the most awesome people ever. I think thats why I love our fandom so much because we can just start talking and we are instant friends. Anyways, the Skype Fighters now have a tumblr, facebook group, twitter, and youtube. And we have decided to have meeting on Fridays since we live in a bunch of different time zones.
So today (Saturday) the ones who were online went into TinyChat just to talk and Potter Cast was doing a live show to get people to donate to the HPA for the signed HP books byJK Rowling and one of the guests was Hank Green. So we ended up going into the LiveStream to watch and Hank Green gave a shout out to the Skype Fighters! dslgjlhjjlasej! It was so cooool. haha. But yeah anyways today we all hung out on Skype some more and confirmed our next Friday Skype Meeting. And there is talks about a possible Collab Channel with some of us.
It has just been so much fun and its great to meet all these awesome people that you have things in common with. You realize how loving and fun and awesome this community really is. And Im so glad Im apart of it and that Im able to have this experience and to have met all these awesome people. Hopefully things will go as planned and we will all keep talking and what not.
I think thats about it for now!
Sounds like lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteJust a warning about TinyChat, Watch out for guests. I do them all the time and have had two different times had naked guys come on. We were all like o.O lol.