Christy: As soon as she started you could tell she was sick and her voice cracked a few times when she was delivering her lines. But even being sick she was still amazing. She has improved so so much since the first time I saw in Cleveland and her voice is just beautiful. She is so much fun to watch perform. And the chemistry between jake and her is just amazing.
Anthony: You could tell that he was also sick but let me tell you, that boy can sing. He killed his 'touch me' solo, it was so beautiful. And he did his infamous one handed cartwheel during 'totally fucked'. Otto is such a smaller character but he makes it so rememberable and hes tons of fun to watch. We had a nice talk with him at the stage door about his hand and how it was doing and what not.
Kimiko: I was highly impressed with her. Its been a while since I saw her as Thea and she did not disappoint. Her voice is getting so much better and her radical line was so cute! I think she is growing a lot in her role and shes just a sweetheart.
Sarah: The girl is just amazing and beautiful. She rocks out so much and her voice just blows me away. Also this was the first time that i cried during "The Dark I Know Well" thats how much emotion I could feel from her during the song.
Steffi D: I want to be best friends with her please. Lol. She rocked out sooo much! Haha, shes so great to watch. And she loved our hair bows that we had in. We had a nice talk with her about the last show in Chicago. I loved her DDS/BW with Taylor, it was so heart breaking. I think the two of them really feed off one another during the song and its just...wonderful.
Jake: I love this kid as Melchior. His vocals have improved so much. He killed "All Thats Known" I was so impressed. And he changed his Melchior a lot. Which makes later scenes more of a wow factor. I was really impressed with his new charazation of Melchior, hes more subtle in the beginning of the play and like I said it makes one scene just mind blowing when it finally happens. And hes another sweetheart at the stagedoor. We talked about his character change of Melchior and also about the lighting in the show because that changed a lot. You can tell that hes so greatful to have this role and loves what hes doing.
Andy: Sup massive creeper Hanschen? Gahh, his new Hanschen is such a creeper and its great contrast to Ben's shy and innocent Ernst. Ohh man his line about huddling over Homer who priceless. And the Vineyard scene was just great. Not to mention that his voice has improved so much.
Ben 2.0: this kid is too cute for words. And his "touch me" soul was heavenly. He sung it and Sara and I turned to look at each other and mouthed "wow". His Ernst is pretty much the same way ben moss played the character. But he was still cute and did a wonderful job.
Gabby:...Hi please go away? Her line about her children growing free got much much worse. I wish I had something postive to say about her but I dont. Also her and krista hide under an umbrella and rushed passed the stage door line.
Justin: He was tons of fun to watch! Kid went crazy and it was cool to see some of the new swings. And hes nice to look at as well and sweet at the stage door.
Krista:..Hello Gabby Jr. She was just on for a swing but still. I dunno, I think I have to see her in role before I can make a judgement.
Chase/Krystina: Our other swings. Theyre nice, I like them. Haha, I dont know what to say about them.
Shishi: Impressed with him, his voice is getting much better as well.
Taylor "Taytay" Trensch: Can i please put this kid in my car and take him home with me? His Moritz was so so so different Blake's and I was glad. He looks so small and awkward and I love it. He really does look 14 up there on that stage. His Moritz is just so awkward and doesnt try to be happy or try to fit in like Blakes Moritz did. From his first line you could tell this kid was disturbed and hurting. He made the character of Moritz his own. Not to mention his vocals were killer. I was really impressed. And i loved the way that he used the mic. He would pick it up and thrash it around in a lot of the more rock songs and I thought that was very cool. His "I passed" dance was so cute; it wasnt what Blakes dance was like and I was very glad for that. Now, his DDS was just heartbreaking. My god. With Blake I felt like I always wanted to stop his Moritz from killing himself but with Taylors you feel just helpless, that no matter what you say or what you do wont make a difference. That the kid has made his mind up to end his own life and thats what he intends to do. Taylors Moritz just gives you this feelins of helplessness, you know that he is hurting and like I said no matter what you say or do wont change his mind. His scene was Ilse was so haunting. He was so withdrawn and you could tell that he really didnt care she was there and was trying to possibly help save his life. And than his monologue came and I just had tears rolling down my face. It was so haunting. The way he said, "I'll tell them Im ready to be an angel now" killed me. You got the sense that he was done with everything and didnt want his life anymore. Blake will always be my Moritz but Taylor was so good. and his "so darks" started out quiet and than he yelled out the last one and ended it. I can not wait to see him again in this role. and he so sweet and down to Earth. he also liked Sara's and I bows. Haha. But overall I was very impressed with this kid.
Spring Awakening is amazing. I love it so much.<3
ReplyDeleteAnd the cast is wonderful & fantastic. ♥
But it's a shame that Blake Bashoff and Ben Moss are not playing anymore Moritz&Ernst. I cried when I was reading that. :'(
But Taylor Trensch & Ben Fankhauser are amazing too :)
xoxo ♥