Sooo, Sara and I went to Detroit yesterday to see Spring Awakening and we had stage seats! She sat in bb13 and I was in bb11 and let me just say that i ADORE BB11. Haha. Lucas sat behind us and I nearly peed my pants. Whenever Lucas would sing I would find myself listening to him instead of everyone else, his voice is just amazing. But now onto everything is order. Haha. So when the cast first came out Anthony was the first to sit next to me, he gave me a smile as he sat down and that was awesome. Let me just say that Anthony has no personal space whatso ever. Lol. He was right against me and when he started stomping during Mama Reprise he kept bumping into me which was kind of funny. He gets so into the show it was funny.
I think instead of going through the whole show Im going to just type about who sat next to me and the funny moments that happened. The next person to sit to me was Ben, hes so adorable. His harmonies during My Junk was to die for, espically since he was sitting right next to me singing it. haha. Oh and after the reformatory scene he was trying to hurry and take off his jack
et and hat and he hit me with them. I love Ben and his amazing voice, I got to sit next to him for a few songs which was nice. Oh and he sat next to me during The Guilty ones and psssh need I say more? That kid is amazing.
Lets see, who else sat next to me? Oh Kimiko sat next to me for a few minutes after My Junk (I think). Nothing really happened while she sat next to me but shes a sweetie so thats fine. Oh, oh during My Junk Steffi D was next to Sara and she was singing along and she sounded beautiful as well. And Taylor's harmonies during My Junk was breath taking, I love that kid so so so much! Oh, while im on the topic of My Junk lets talk about that piano scene with Matt and Angie. Lol, that was so hilarious and there was a lot of little things they did during it that you really dont notice during the scene. I watched them the whole time during My Junk, it was just so freaking hilarious.
Than I sat next to Robi for a bit, I really enjoyed him a lot. His voice is killer and sooooo much better than Andy's voice. And the Vineyard scene was much better in my opinion. With Andy he always made that scene more comical than anything and with Robi his Hanschen seemed to actually care about Ernst and truly seemed in love with him. And usually the kiss between the two of them gets a lot of laughs but it w
as just so sweet between Robi and Ben and no one laughed at it. So that was really nice. But funny story with Robi, at the beginning of act 2 the priest is saying his lecture and than he liked screamed which caused not only me to jump but Robi as well. And he busted out laughing which made me laugh, so The Guilty Ones is going on and me and Robi are like dying of laughter during the whole thing.
Im too lazy to write about anything else but I wanted to write about the stage door really quick. We were talking to Anthony when he came out and he was like "you guys look familiar, youve seen the show before havent you?". So that was cool that he remembered us from previous shows. And than Jake came out and he was like "You guys were sitting on stage!" and than he introduced himself to us so that was pretty cool. But yeah, nothing else to really say, I cant wait to take Kelly again Saturday to see it which will also be my last time seeing it.